Monday, February 13, 2006

Our Happy News!

January 25th - We received 'THE CALL' from our agency!

A referral of a little baby girl named Ruprekha. She was born on October 9th, 2005. She was a preemie - though we don't know exactly 'how' preemie. Her med info said 34-36 wks. She was probably born at home.. and was dropped at the orphanage when she was 1 day old.
She weighed a little over 1 kg at birth... was 43 cm in height... with a head circumference of 31 cm.
At 3 months, she was 3.3 kg.
At 4 months, she was 4.3 kg, 54 cm in height, and her head circumference was 37 cm.

She is potentially (and probably) a carrier for Haemoglobin E - which is basically a mild form of Thalassemia. Thalassemia is a common blood disorder in Asian countries.
When she is 6 months, they will retest and confirm that she is a carrier. This should not cause her any health problems, other than possibly occasional mild anemia. She also will need to ensure that she does not have a child someday with a man carrying a thalassemia trait.

Other than that, she is relatively healthy! She is teeny and malnourished.. but that is to be expected.
We reviewed all of her medical information with a pediatrician at the Children's Hospital's International Adoption Clinic. He (along with a pediatric hemotologist who was also consulted) felt like the baby was growing at a reasonable rate and had hit developmental milestones as to be expected.

After reviewing all of her info, and discussing this with our family, we felt that this baby was meant for us!

On February 10th, we accepted her referral!

Welcome to our family Maya!


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